Sunday, 24 November 2019

Brian Jennings 75th Big Bash


Dear Brian,
cc: Brian's Relatives & Friends

Thank you for kindly inviting us to celebrate your 75th birthday which we greatly enjoyed especially meeting all the members of your enterprising family.

We all had a great evening with dancing to a solo entertainer who provided good music for all.

As a token of remembrance, I have created this blog for you which you can share with your friends and relatives which is titled brianjennings75. Link:

Sorry I could not capture all the action as I did not have my own camera which is out of order and it was your son Damien who kindly gave me instructions how to use the little camera I had.

This blog is just a PREVIEW as I await photographs your son has promised to send me which will be added to your blog.

I also hope to add a little background to your exciting life from your days at St. Mary's School, SMOBS, in the army, your big game fishing, professional ballroom dancer and not forgetting the good advice you give many musicians re music tempos and controlling volume. Above all you as the Computer Doctor where all your help in fixing our laptops and PC's has always been appreciated.

You are much loved by everyone and this says it all.

Best regards with love from
Betty, Lisette, Clive & Benny

Sorry I did not capture photos of all the food prepared on the other table across the hall. Great tasty dishes.


Hello Family and Friends, I am pleased to announce that I am holding a party for my 75th Birthday.  I strongly request, NO Gifts/Presents,  Just your company is all that will make me happy. 

Please reply by phone/ text or email whether you will be attending or not.

Venue: Heston Royal British Legion
            79 New Heston Road
              TW5 0LG

  Date: 23rd November 2019

  Time: 19:30 Hrs.

 My Landline:  02087431575
 My mobile<     17466357583

NB The Legion carpark has ample parking. Do NOT park outside the gate as its restricted to local residents .

I look forward to seeing as Many as are able to attend at this short notice.

Kind regards,  Brian